27 September 2011

Visualizing an Idea

Worship. My first painting.

I have a thing for tattoo designs, mostly resembling tribal tattoos, and occasionally they can be seen as objects, or can be interpreted in many different ways. It's all in the eye of the beholder. 

The day I finished this, I wrote in my journal:

"Worship - took me about a couple of weeks to finish, because I wanted this canvas to be special. 

The concept behind "Worship" is how the world below is a complete and utter mess, and how every body in the end worships or idolizes one thing. Religion taught us the worship of God. Other religions taught us to worship a certain power, such as love. In the end I believe people are worshiping one entity yet defined in various ways.

In modern society, idols can be anything or anyone. A singer, an actor, politician, or any successful figure. It can be fame, money, or even an addiction. Things or people idolized by the masses are lifted to a higher level, building a legion of blind followers. "

In the end this is just a personal view of what inspired me to paint this piece, and what was going on in my head while I completed it. It's an idea I wanted to visualize.

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